Care wine
One of the stages where you get care is the wine harvest.
To treat the wine in fact begins with treating the berries gently avoiding the break that would lead to the pre-fermentation. To make quality wine boxes are recommended for the grape harvest.
During the crushing of grapes it is important to remove woody parts and dried beans and / or rotten, just so you can 'get the right care wine. After the crushing of grapes was done in tanks and with the help of beautiful maidens, the grapes were crushed by foot. Now it is not so, in fact on the market there are crushers hand with shaker and also to send crushers with agitator and basket diraspante to name simple.
Then begins the fermentation phase.
Depending on the type of wine you want to get some people after a week Torcola his crop.
In the phase of torcolazione, compression is of the berries in a press call press, which could be manual or mechanical. A great wine press may be a printing 40 cm
The juice of the winepress will be our wine.
To do a proper care of the wine is important to let the wine breathe, in fact every fortnight you care about wine that you get off, possibly slowly the wine left to rest in a barrel, in a tank and is then riadagiato in barrels