
The fertilization is a technique that consists in the addition of specific substances which improve and increase the amount of nutrients in the soil benefit of the plant.

In the case of the grapevine can be distinguished more types of fertilization, in different periods of growth of the vineyard.

Fall fertilization of the grapevine is made after the harvest and before dormancy. In it are preferred organic fertilizers and minerals which dilute over time. It provides inputs of substances during the winter.

Fertilization during spring in a vineyard helps the plant in the vegetative phase, increasing strength and productivity; you must be careful not to exceed in the presence of already fertile soils.

Fertilization during  summer in viticulture helps the plant in the lignification of tissues, with potassium intake at the expense of nitrogen.

The elements prevailing in the composition of the fertilizers are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), bound in chemical compounds in defined proportions: if present carbon (C) manure is considered organic. Many are the rules that must be respected  for the intake of organic fertilizers, in the necessary  doses, using as limit the concentration of nitrogen.
