What is it?
As the Cordon, also the Cord Free is a system used for pruning Vine requiring high mechanization. This cord is formed by a single wire permanent cordon placed horizontally at about 1.30, 1.40, but 1.60, 1.70 meters above the ground. The buds of spurs, not being bound by wires to support, grow up and then fell down because of the weight of the grapes. During pruning the spurs will be selected at 1, 3 gems of the dorsal cord that are willing to ease up the clippings and encourage the production of the plant.
The Cord Free is spreading rapidly in place of the Cordon. Major users of this farming technique are Australia and the United States. But Italian farmers appreciate the features and benefits. It is, in fact, used in the Veneto. Emilia Romagna and Tuscany. To realize this system must follow some important parameters in the system. The distance between rows should be between 2.30 and 2.50 meters, the posts shall be galvanized sheet of 40x 35 mm or wood treated with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Even the end posts must be made of the same material and diameter dimensions vary depending on the material itself, set the ground for at least 80 cm. Also needed are a pair of triple-dip galvanized steel wires to be placed just below the caps to hold the retaining screws of the wire carrier (this position prevents the screws can extend to the outside of the row) and a wire bearing triple coiled galvanized steel to prevent twisting of the spurs. Caps shall be plastic. Implementation of the system, given the recent utilization of this type of farming, it is advisable to be assisted by experts or doctors and specialists in agriculture. One hectare of vineyard rows with cord free places at the distances indicated above, requires more than 700 metal or wooden poles, and about seventy head poles and more than 600 kg of load-bearing steel wire spiral; seventy berths and nearly 800 caps of plastic.
The management of cord in free, although the parameters indicated in the preceding paragraph, a procedure allows breeding easier and less expensive because the plant will consist of a single wire and the supports. The cost savings compared to the Cordon is 20%.The simplification of operations and winter pruning allows a significant reduction in costs. The green can be performed at any time, while the winter can be done mechanically or manually via platform pulled by a tractor. The saving of hours worked is remarkable and is approximately 60 hours per hectare. This system allows the plant to get a good exposure to the sun for efficient photosynthesis. But these advantages are achievable for buds that have a vertical position, that shoots called "assurgenti" and a plant that is very fertile at baseline.The saving of Hours Worked is remarkable and is approximately 60 hours per hectare. This system allows the plant to get a good exposure to the sun for efficient photosynthesis. These advantages are achievable but for buds That Have a vertical position, ie the shoots Called "assurgenti" and a plant That is very fertile at baseline. It 'also important that the branches are arranged evenly on both sides of the cord. The first two characteristics are closely related varieties (even if the cordon it comes to wine grapes), while the last feature depends on the skill and labor of the farmer who can achieve the uniformity of the branches using the wire spiral.
On some trials conducted by university research centers have shown that the cord is not suitable for free variety with clusters of nodes positioned distal falling gems and creating an overlay of vegetation and its excessive shading, harmful to the photosynthetic properties of the plant. Also avoid excessive humidity in the cultivation of climates.
The cord also has a free version called Free Mobile cordon. This system allows a high stage of mechanization of pruning and the harvest is used for vertical shaking in order to obtain a lower damage to the plant and fruit and to preserve the structures. At the top of the poles supporting a cap is placed mobile, hence the name of the system and from which flows a wire support that allows shaking vertically during the harvest. With the cord does not occur free mobile contact between the grape and moving mechanical parts, a feature which allows you to preserve the quality and integrity of the fruit. The free-floating cord is different from that for the simple fact that the vertical stem is not straight but slightly curved. This curve, making the plant more flexible structure, allowing the vertical movement of the shoots. The choice between free and Umbilical Cord Free Mobile will always depend on the variety and characteristics of the plant and the plant structure. The Cord Free is a versatile crop in the plains than to those of a hill. Given the possibility of fully mechanized stages of cultivation is, however necessary, that the area of farmland in the slope or have a space to allow the use of necessary agricultural machinery automation system.