Grape disease

There are various types of disease that can meet the vine plant, and with it the grape.

We can distinguish between parasitic disease  and non-parasitic disease of the grape.

Parasitic grape disease

An insect (Scaphoideus titanus) can transmit, as result of  bites made to suck the sap, a disease known as phytoplasma Flavescence dorée that causes lack of growth of the vegetation of the vine, and changing the color of white grapes, which becomes yellow, and black grapes that acquires red tinges. The leaves of the vine also affected by this disease of the vine, are dry and have folds, which become more evident around August and September.

The crown gall is a disease caused by a bacterium (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) that by staying inside the roots or crown, causes the abnormal growth of the vine cells. Bulges and bumps that affect the plant's growth of the vine generate.

To cope with this vine disease, you must take care of the plants at an early stage of the disease, prevent injuries and damage to plants of the vine, thus counteracting the deformities.

Non Parasitic grape disease - mushrooms

A major vine disease, involving both the plant the vine, both the shoots, and the bunches of grapes, is the Downy Mildew, caused by a microorganism fungus (Plasmopara viticola).

Such disease of the grapevine presents with yellowish spots on the leaves, and causes desiccation of the berries of the bunches, resulting in decrease of production in quality and quantity.

The humidity, rain and low temperatures are a favorable condition in the spring to the onset of one  of the grapevine’s disease the most dangerous and harmful to the vine and grapes.

Fungi Ascomycota are makers of disease vine known as powdery mildew or Mildew, which causes rotting of the bunches of grapes. It comes with white spots on the leaves of the vine and on the berries such as dust, favored by high humidity and temperatures around 25 degrees °C.

This disease of the vine can lead to death of the whole plant of the vine, and causes the decline of the tone on the outside of the berries of the cluster, leading to cracks and impaired production.
