Guyot is a system of training and pruning of the vine that allows you to edit and enhance plant growth and fruit to fit the objectives for which it is grown. This system applies to the vineyards that produce wine grapes for commercial purposes...
The Cordon is a system of vine training during the winter pruning select 5, 7 and positioned lignified shoots well from which you will derive as many spurs to two, three gems. Unlike Guyot that selects a limited number of spurs, the spurs are pruned in this phase of production prevails...
As the Cordon, also the Cord Free is a system used for pruning Vine requiring high mechanization. This cord is formed by a single wire permanent cordon placed horizontally at about 1.30, 1.40, but 1.60, 1.70 meters above the ground ...
The GDC is a form of cultivation of the vine, also known as Double Curtain, which simply refers to the Cortina, which is a system that allows you to completely mechanized pruning and harvesting, and that is suitable for plants with buds and fertile upright varieties. The Cortina is formed by a simple horizontal cordon placed at 120, 150 cm from the soil that supports a single thread of mobile ...
Casarsa is a system of training and pruning of the vines of mixed type, that is suitable for plants with intermediate fertility of the buds. It 'consists of a cord permanently placed at about 160 cm from the ground where the heads are left in the fruit (production cost) of various lengths to 4-6 buds...
The Spindel is a form suitable for breeding little vigorous orchards designed to increase the number of plants per hectare and to reduce the size of the plants, whose height is never more than 3 meters. This parameter is used to facilitate the collection, pruning and plant treatments ...
The Super Spindle is a variant of the Spindel, the farming of orchards with a long tradition in Germanic countries. This variant has spread to all areas of Europe and America, fruit and adapts to the need to reduce manual labor and mechanization of the harvest ...
The urgent need for systematic and acceleration of production and to increase the density of the cultivated area, has encouraged the introduction of different farming systems that often are the one, the other variant. In this case study is also part of the system known as "Form V" that represents one of the many variants of the system Fusetti, derived in turn from that to Palmetta..
The Form V Bikadò is a system of training and pruning of fruit trees very similar to Form V, but the wall is obtained from a single production plant where they are folded by two to four main branches. On the wall productive fit poles and a pair of arms, while the two ends of the same two wires are laid together with the bamboo sticks that will form the sloping wall where they will set the plants..
La Pergola is a system of training and pruning applied in vineyards, which has many variants, each with specific characteristics that give rise to an equally well-defined cropping systems. In general, this system consists of a series of vertical poles positioned horizontally to support scaffolding (roof) or at an angle ...